House Leaders Applaud Committee of Conference Agreements on Budget

CONCORD – House Speaker Shawn Jasper (R-Hudson) and House Majority Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued statements following conclusion of the committee of conference negotiations on the final state budget proposal. House Majority Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack): “Voters sent Republican majorities back to Concord to continue managing our state in a fiscally responsible manner. This budget, …

House Leaders Applaud Committee of Conference Agreements on Budget Read More »

House Majority Leader Statement on Approval of HHS Emergency Funding

Today, the House approved the Senate version to HB 629 by a vote of 283-32. An amendment approved by the Senate last week used this bill as the vehicle to provide $33.2 million in emergency funding for the Department of Health and Human Services. Representative Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued the following statement: “This is an …

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MacKay Praises House Concurrence on Bipartisan Bill on Grandparent Guardianship

Today, the House approved the Senate version to HB 629 by a vote of 283-32. The underlying bill is a bipartisan act establishing a preference for the appointment of a child’s grandparent as guardian of the minor in certain cases, whose prime sponsor is Representative Mariellen MacKay (R-Nashua). The bill requires the Department of Health …

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Statement by Speaker Shawn Jasper with regard to the resignation of Rep. Robert Fisher

“Rep. Robert Fisher has informed the House Clerk of his resignation from the NH House, effective at noon today.  It is unfortunate that the debate surrounding his actions while serving in the House have detracted from the good things that we have accomplished this session.  But I welcome his resignation for the good of the …

Statement by Speaker Shawn Jasper with regard to the resignation of Rep. Robert Fisher Read More »

House Majority Pleased With House Approval For Infrastructure Aid Package

SB 38, making an appropriation for local highway aid and municipal bridge aid, passed the House today on a voice vote. House Majority Leader Richard Hinch (R-Merrimack) released the following statement in response to the passage of SB38. House Majority Leader Richard Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued the following statement: “This bill will send $30 million back …

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House Majority Leader Praises Strengthening NH’s Rape Shield Law

House Majority Leader Richard Hinch (R-Merrimack) offered the following statement in response to the passage of SB9, relative to the admissibility of proffered evidence in sexual assault cases. The bill passed the House by a 328 – 30 vote. House Majority Leader Richard Hinch (R-Merrimack): “This is an important piece of legislation that protects the …

House Majority Leader Praises Strengthening NH’s Rape Shield Law Read More »