News & Updates

House Republicans Continue to Fight for Small Businesses

CONCORD, NH – Representative Hershel Nunez (R-Pelham) released the following statement after the House Executive Departments & Administration committee passed HB314, relative to homestead food operation licensure by a vote of 16-0. “Homestead food operations are an important source of income for Granite Staters, particularly in New Hampshire’s rural areas. These small, family-owned operations were …

House Republicans Continue to Fight for Small Businesses Read More »

House Majority Leader Condemns Rep. Klein Knight’s Racist Rant

House Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R-Auburn) released the following statement following accusations of violent racism made against Rep. Nicole Klein Knight (D-Manchester). “The accusations of blatant and violent racism that have been made against Rep. Klein Knight are unbelievably appalling. If it was any other member, I would be incredulous at this accusation. However, given …

House Majority Leader Condemns Rep. Klein Knight’s Racist Rant Read More »

Rep. Len Turcotte: Let’s Improve our unemployment system

IT’S THE BEGINNING of a new year and families across New Hampshire are setting goals, and establishing new — and better — budgets. But what about our New Hampshire state government? Where can our government improve and increase efficiency? And how can we as legislators better steward taxpayer dollars? While there are many reforms that …

Rep. Len Turcotte: Let’s Improve our unemployment system Read More »

Rep. Osborne Receives Outpouring of Support by Timberlane Teachers

Concord, NH- House Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R- Auburn) released the following statement after he received positive emails from members of the Timberlane Teachers’ Association following the public testimony from their union’s president.  “I appreciate the outpouring of support I have received from teachers in the Timberlane school district and members of the Timberlane Teachers’ …

Rep. Osborne Receives Outpouring of Support by Timberlane Teachers Read More »

Timberlane Teachers’ Union Believes they are Above the Law

Concord, NH- NH House Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R-Auburn) released the following statement after public testimony was received by the House Education Committee from the President of the Timberlane Teachers’ Association.  “It is appalling, although not surprising, that a teachers’ union believes they are above the law. They want to indoctrinate our children in the …

Timberlane Teachers’ Union Believes they are Above the Law Read More »

Joint Statement from Republican House Leadership

House Speaker Sherman Packard (R-Londonderry) and Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R-Auburn) respond to the Supreme Court ruling that blocked enforcement of the Federal Government’s vaccine mandate on large businesses:  Speaker Sherman Packard: “Today’s decision to block the federal government’s mandate is great news for the people of New Hampshire. This eliminates unnecessary oversight and gives …

Joint Statement from Republican House Leadership Read More »

House Republicans Lead the Effort to Protect Electric Ratepayers

Manchester, NH – Representative Michael Vose (R-Epping) Chairman of the House Science, Technology and Energy committee released the following statement after the House passed HB549, relative to the energy efficiency resource standard and the system benefits charge by an overwhelming vote of 343-0. “Today’s vote on HB549 sends a clear message that House Republicans will lead …

House Republicans Lead the Effort to Protect Electric Ratepayers Read More »

House Republicans Embrace Opportunity to Expand Carbon-Free Energy

Manchester, NH – Representative Keith Ammon (R- New Boston) released the following statement after the House passed HB 543, establishing a commission to study nuclear power and nuclear reactor technology in New Hampshire by a voice vote. “Eliminating carbon emissions from electricity generation is an urgent goal to mitigate the threat of climate change. Energy production …

House Republicans Embrace Opportunity to Expand Carbon-Free Energy Read More »

House Passes Prudent Emergency Power Reforms

Manchester, NH – Representative Tony Lekas (R-Hudson) released the following statement after the House passed HB275, relative to the governor’s power to initiate a state of emergency and various emergency powers by a vote of 190-165. “When the COVID-19 pandemic began, we had to balance giving the Governor the flexibility to take life-saving actions and preserving …

House Passes Prudent Emergency Power Reforms Read More »

ALLIEGRO: Bi•ol•o•gy (bī-ŏl′ə-jē). The science of life and living organisms.

I am a biologist.  To be specific, I am a molecular biologist who studied aspects of reproductive and developmental biology for decades.  I concluded my research career as a Senior Scientist at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole with a joint appointment at Brown University as a Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.  Along the way I …

ALLIEGRO: Bi•ol•o•gy (bī-ŏl′ə-jē). The science of life and living organisms. Read More »