
House Leaders Comment on Governor’s Veto of Bill to Kill Cap-and-Trade, Cut Electricity Rates

CONCORD – House Speaker William O’Brien and House Science, Technology and Energy Chairman James Garrity today offered the following statements is response to Governor Lynch’s veto of Senate Bill 154, to repeal the state’s cap-and-trade program, known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). House Speaker William O’Brien “Cap-and-trade is failed policy both here in …

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Governor Declines to Sign Pro-Business Legislation

(Joint News Release) CONCORD – SB 125 passed into law Saturday without the Governor’s signature. The bill, which provides a $50 thousand safe harbor for  businesses and shifts the burden of proof for accessing taxes on compensation from the business owner to the Department of Revenue Administration, passed the Senate unanimously and the House 340 …

Governor Declines to Sign Pro-Business Legislation Read More »

House and Senate pass budget with veto proof majorities

Joint news release (Concord) House and Senate leadership issued the following statements regarding today’s passage of HB 1 and HB 2: Statement from Speaker of the House William L. O’Brien, R-Mont Vernon: “Promises made, promises kept. The New Hampshire House and Senate have delivered on the commitment we made last year to live within our …

House and Senate pass budget with veto proof majorities Read More »

Sen. Morse: Our next state budget will be way more responsible than the last

By CHUCK MORSE Special to the Union Leader Published Jun 14, 2011 As the House and Senate form committees of conference to develop a compromise budget, one thing is certain: Both budgets are taking our state down the path toward fiscal responsibility. Over the past four years, Gov. John Lynch and the Democratic leadership brought …

Sen. Morse: Our next state budget will be way more responsible than the last Read More »

House Leadership Statements on Veto of HB 133

The following statements were issued by House Leadership following the announcement that Governor Lynch has vetoed HB 133. “With this veto, the Governor is sending exactly the wrong message to employers that New Hampshire is going to make it harder to create jobs.  Last November, the voters sent a clear message that they wanted more jobs, …

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Full Senate and House vote to pass Retirement Reform

(Senate Press Release) SB3 now heads to governor’s desk with veto proof majorities (Concord) The Senate and House made a big statement on a major issue today with both houses voting to pass reforms to the state’s retirement system by veto proof majorities. The votes were 19-4 and 250-112 respectively.  SB3 now heads to Governor …

Full Senate and House vote to pass Retirement Reform Read More »

Poll: Granite Staters favor ‘right-to-work’ legislation

From A new survey by Magellan Strategies for NH Journal shows that a near majority of Granite Staters support so-called ‘right-to-work’ legislation. Forty-nine percent of New Hampshire voters support right-to-work, whereas only 37% oppose it. Fifteen percent is undecided. The Republicans in the House are scrambling to amass enough votes to override Gov. John …

Poll: Granite Staters favor ‘right-to-work’ legislation Read More »

NH Journal: Lynch vetoes right-to-work bill, took big bucks from unions

For the full report, please visit Union bosses were grinning from ear to ear on Wednesday when New Hampshire’s Democratic Gov. John Lynch vetoed the right-to-work bill that passed both chambers of the legislature by huge majorities. An investigation by NH Journal shows those union leaders paid a handsome price for Lynch’s veto. Unions …

NH Journal: Lynch vetoes right-to-work bill, took big bucks from unions Read More »

Op-Ed: Republicans deserve credit for environmental efforts

As a proud member of Republicans for Environmental Protection for several years, I was disappointed a few weeks ago to read the Concord Monitor’s opinion on what the New Hampshire House of Representatives has done with regard to environmental issues (“End the war on the state’s environment,” editorial, April 17). Like all areas of state …

Op-Ed: Republicans deserve credit for environmental efforts Read More »

Op-Ed: ‘Right-to-work’ law will boost economy

By Rep. Gary Daniels April 30, 2011 Most state legislators hear regularly from our constituents about their top concerns. While the national debt and international engagements certainly carry a great deal of interest nationally, and balancing the budget without raising taxes or fees garners a lot of attention at the state level, by far the …

Op-Ed: ‘Right-to-work’ law will boost economy Read More »