
House Republican Leader Reacts to House Vote on HB682

CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement following the House vote on HB682, establishing a water resources fund in the department of environmental services and charging certain application and permit fees. The bill passed by a 201-147 vote. “This bill establishes pricey new fees, and doubles and triples some other existing …

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House Republican Leader Reacts to House Vote on Family Leave Income Tax Bill

CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement following the House vote on HB712, relative to a family and medical leave insurance program. The bill passed by a 199-133 vote. “We have a caucus of Democrats who want to increase wages, but at the same time are creating new programs to tax …

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House Republican Leader Reacts to House Vote on HB184

CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement following the House vote on HB184, relative to the calculation of kindergarten students in the average daily membership and repealing prorated kindergarten funding based on Keno revenues. The bill passed by a 203-148 vote. “House Democrats are the party of bait-and-switch this year. Several …

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House Republican Leader Concerned by Democrats’ Rushed Bills, Total Disregard for Process

CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement on House Democrats’ efforts to fast-track select Senate bills when the House still has over 400 House bills to process before the official crossover date of April 4th. “First, they tried to slip SB16 in under the radar, so they could attach an ill-advised …

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House Republican Leader Reacts to House Committee Vote to Retain Carbon Tax Bill

Concord, NH – House Republican Leader Richard Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement relative to the vote by the House Science, Technology & Energy Committee on Tuesday to retain HB735, relative to carbon pricing. “It’s disturbing to me that Democrats openly said that they want to do additional work on this $800 million per year tax …

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House Republican Leader Reacts To Job-Killing Minimum Wage Bills

Concord, NH- House Republican Leader Richard Hinch (R-Merrimack) released the following statement in advance of the public hearings on HB178, HB186, and HB731-FN all relative to the minimum wage in New Hampshire. These bills are being heard in the Labor, Industrial Services and Rehabilitation committee starting at 1:00pm on February 20th. “At a time when …

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House Republican Leader Reacts to JLCAR Work Requirement Approval

Concord, NH- House Republican Leader Richard Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement relative to the approval by the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules of the work requirement in the New Hampshire Granite Advantage Healthcare program. “We are very pleased that the committee came together on this vote, and that the work requirement will be moving …

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House Republican Leader’s Statement on Governor’s Budget Address

CONCORD, NH – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement following Governor Sununu’s budget address on Thursday. “Governor Sununu is staying true to core Republican principles of low taxes, responsible spending, and reforms that promote efficiencies and improve services,” Hinch said. “He understands that there is a need to keep our economy strong, …

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House Republican Leader’s Statement on Governor’s Budget Address

CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement following Governor Sununu’s budget address on Thursday. “Governor Sununu is staying true to core Republican principles of low taxes, responsible spending, and reforms that promote efficiencies and improve services,” Hinch said. “He understands that there is a need to keep our economy strong, and …

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