
ALLIEGRO: Bi•ol•o•gy (bī-ŏl′ə-jē). The science of life and living organisms.

I am a biologist.  To be specific, I am a molecular biologist who studied aspects of reproductive and developmental biology for decades.  I concluded my research career as a Senior Scientist at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole with a joint appointment at Brown University as a Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.  Along the way I …

ALLIEGRO: Bi•ol•o•gy (bī-ŏl′ə-jē). The science of life and living organisms. Read More »

Republican Legislation to Level the Playing Field for Families Seeking an IEP

CONCORD – Education Committee Vice-Chairman Glenn Cordelli (R-Tuftonboro), the prime sponsor of HB581, relative to the burden of proof in special education hearings and establishing a committee to study special education IEP and dispute resolution processes released the following statement after Governor Chris Sununu signed this legislation into law:“I want to thank Governor Sununu for …

Republican Legislation to Level the Playing Field for Families Seeking an IEP Read More »

TURCOTTE: GOP Tax Cut Will Help All Granite Staters

Judging by the reaction of New Hampshire’s left, the recently passed business tax deductions and Interest and Dividends (I&D) tax phaseout by the Republican-controlled legislature is an act in class warfare. But this is nothing new. Democrats have frequently shown their lack of economic and fiscal acumen by simply regurgitating their same old mantras. Let’s …

TURCOTTE: GOP Tax Cut Will Help All Granite Staters Read More »

Pearl, Moffett, Cambrils: A budget worth celebrating

There’s been a lot of misinformation about the recently passed state budget. The truth is, it’s remarkable and worth celebrating. Here are some of the things the new budget delivers: over $170 million in tax cuts, reduction in Business Profits Tax to 7.6%, reduction in Business Enterprise Tax to 0.55%, phase-out of Interest and Dividends …

Pearl, Moffett, Cambrils: A budget worth celebrating Read More »

Hobson: Most empowering state budget in New Hampshire history

Our Republican House majority worked with the Republican Senate and Governor Chris Sununu to implement the most empowering state budget in New Hampshire history. We provided over $100 million to New Hampshire small businesses in Paycheck Protection Plan tax relief. We expanded the exemptions on employer taxes, exempting an additional 30,000 Granite State small businesses …

Hobson: Most empowering state budget in New Hampshire history Read More »

Sweeney: Newly minted budget expands ‘New Hampshire advantage’

Salem stands to benefit greatly from the actions the Legislature has taken this year, especially with the transformational state budget we just passed. We’re reducing taxes on employers, eliminating the interest and dividends tax over the next five years, and raising the minimum threshold for tax filings so that 30,000 additional Granite State small businesses …

Sweeney: Newly minted budget expands ‘New Hampshire advantage’ Read More »