Press Releases

House Republican Leader Applauds Veto of Omnibus Election Bill

Concord, NH – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) released the following statement in response to Governor Sununu’s veto of HB1672, relative to absentee voting. “House Democrats would have you believe that HB1672 is needed for our citizens to have a chance to vote in the midst of the pandemic. But, in reality, the Attorney …

House Republican Leader Applauds Veto of Omnibus Election Bill Read More »

House Republican Leader Applauds Veto of HB1247

Concord, NH- House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) released the following statement in response to Governor Sununu’s veto of HB1247, relative to mortgage defaults and nonpayments of rent during the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak state of emergency. “Governor Sununu’s continuing response to our citizens’ rent and mortgage situations during this pandemic is thorough and …

House Republican Leader Applauds Veto of HB1247 Read More »

Republican Leader Praises Governor Sununu Veto of Income Tax

CONCORD- House Republican Leader Dick Hinch released the following statement after Governor Sununu vetoed HB712-FN, relative to a family and medical leave insurance program. This bill would create a mandatory family and medical leave insurance program funded by a 0.5% tax on wages.  “Well, it’s Groundhog Day…again. For the second year in a row, Democrats …

Republican Leader Praises Governor Sununu Veto of Income Tax Read More »

House Republican Leader Reacts to Democrats Support of Minimum Wage Hike

DURHAM-House Republican Leader Dick Hinch issued the following statement after the House voted 198-124 to concur on HB731, relative to the state minimum hourly rate.  “Apparently Democrats in Concord would rather check boxes on their progressive wish-list than assist New Hampshire’s economic recovery. Passing a 65% mandatory wage hike in these times is particularly burdensome …

House Republican Leader Reacts to Democrats Support of Minimum Wage Hike Read More »

House Republicans Believe HB1672 Puts NH Election Integrity at Risk

Durham, NH – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) released the following statement in response to the House voting to concur with HB1672, relative to absentee voting, on a vote of 195-130. Following today’s vote, the bill will be sent to the governor. “HB1672 is a democrat wishlist of partisan political agenda items masked as …

House Republicans Believe HB1672 Puts NH Election Integrity at Risk Read More »

House Republicans Decry Democrats’ Lack of Transparency, Legislative Log Jam

CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement relative to the June 30th House session during which the session agenda included dozens of omnibus bills containing subject matter that the House did not have time to thoroughly vet. In some cases dozens of Senate bills that had not yet received a public …

House Republicans Decry Democrats’ Lack of Transparency, Legislative Log Jam Read More »

House Republicans Still Awaiting Outreach from House Speaker, Democrats on Bipartisan Agreement

House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack), Deputy House Republican Leader Sherm Packard (R-Londonderry) and House Republican Policy Leader, Rep. Kim Rice (R-Hudson) confirmed today that no contact from House Speaker Steve Shurtleff (D-Concord) or any member of his leadership team has been received since the House session one week ago on Thursday, June 11th. Republicans …

House Republicans Still Awaiting Outreach from House Speaker, Democrats on Bipartisan Agreement Read More »

House Republican Leader Reacts to Democrat Vote Against Prevention of Business Tax Increase

DURHAM – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued the following statement after the House voted to not allow late drafting and introduction of legislation that would prevent a 12.5% tax increase on New Hampshire’s businesses. The motion to suspend rules failed 154-174.  “By rejecting this simple modification to our tax law, Democrats are saying …

House Republican Leader Reacts to Democrat Vote Against Prevention of Business Tax Increase Read More »

House Republican Leader Comments on House Vote on Rules Process, Deadlines

DURHAM – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement following the House vote on a House Rules amendment sponsored by House Speaker Steve Shurtleff (D-Concord) that would have established deadlines for House business that rushed and skipped steps in the legislative process. The amendment was not developed in consultation with Republicans in the …

House Republican Leader Comments on House Vote on Rules Process, Deadlines Read More »

House Democrats Decline Bipartisan Input on Process, Reject Republican Business Tax Proposal

CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) offered statements following House Rules Committee Action on Wednesday where House Democrats denied the ability for a Republican bill to come forward that would eliminate the possibility of business tax increases in the coming year. The committee also voted along party lines for a Democrat supported timeline …

House Democrats Decline Bipartisan Input on Process, Reject Republican Business Tax Proposal Read More »

House Republicans Propose Halt to Business Tax Increases

CONCORD – A group of over 130 House Republicans sent a letter to House Speaker Steve Shurtleff today asking him to support and help expedite legislation that would prevent business taxes from increasing by as much as 12.5%.  House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) will present the proposal to the House Rules Committee on Wednesday, …

House Republicans Propose Halt to Business Tax Increases Read More »

Speaker, House Democrats Largely Exclude Republican Input on Policy, Process Amid Crisis

House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) announced Tuesday that House Republicans have been largely boxed out of discussions on planning and scheduling for the upcoming House session, and setting policy priorities at the House committee level. “Back in March, the Speaker set up a bipartisan committee to work on planning for the continuity of House …

Speaker, House Democrats Largely Exclude Republican Input on Policy, Process Amid Crisis Read More »

House Republican Leader Objects to Proposed Technology Cost Related to Reconvening Legislature

House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) called on Democrat Speaker Steve Shurtleff (D-Concord) to scrap a proposed plan to purchase electronic voting equipment costing possibly “in excess of $200,000” for when the House reconvenes on June 11th, and seek to be reimbursed by CARES Act funds for that cost. “I agree that the House should …

House Republican Leader Objects to Proposed Technology Cost Related to Reconvening Legislature Read More »

House Republicans Question Democrats’ Mandatory Mask Order Request

House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement in response to a letter signed by Democrats members of the House to Governor Sununu demanding that he issue an emergency order requiring all citizens to wear face masks when in public. “CDC and public health guidance we currently have in place are reasonable. New Hampshire …

House Republicans Question Democrats’ Mandatory Mask Order Request Read More »

House Republicans Call on Democrats to Support Repeal of Prospective Business Tax Hikes

House Republican Leader Dick Hinch issued the following statement relative to Governor Sununu’s call for Democrat legislative leadership to repeal business tax rate hikes should the state’s revenues fall below a trigger point currently prescribed in law. Democrats in the legislature insisted on establishing a trigger mechanism into the state budget so that if state revenues fell, …

House Republicans Call on Democrats to Support Repeal of Prospective Business Tax Hikes Read More »